Halal Crypto Community (HCC) is the 1st and biggest fan community of Islamic Coin (ISLM)

1. About Islamic Coin
Islamic Coin, ISLM on HAQQ blockchain – is the Century crypto and blockchain with recognizable fetwa from the top Muslim Scholars and is the Islamic Ethereum. Its private sale ended May 2023, with over 200 million USD capitalization. It’s private sale was done exclusively for qualified investors and HNWIs with cheques starting from 1 mln. USD. HCC is democratic way to purchase ISLM in retail, since it is backed 1:1 by ISLM.
2. Products & Services
- Futura SuperApp - Unique digital assets App like COIN98
- Halal Crypto Messenger
- Halal Crypto Exchange
- Halal marketplace
- Waste management solution with rewards on the blockchain
- Cryptomats
- Halal NFT platform

3. Our Mobile App
4. Ambassadors

5. Tokenomics
6. News & Press

All Good Things are 11!
Salam Aleykum, HAQQers Ummah! Jumma Mubarak! We are glad to note, that our tapper haqq app is steadily growing! Now we are almost 40k active users! Take in mind, that

Step-by-Step: Adding GFC Token in MetaMask
Open MetaMask Access Network Settings Click the network dropdown at the top (it usually shows “Ethereum Mainnet” by default). Scroll down and click “Add Network”. Choose Network Method Select “Custom

Vote for Green Tips 💚 and Win Exciting Rewards!
Are you ready to make a positive impact and support projects that are driving sustainability through blockchain? Now’s your chance to cast your vote for the top 10 projects at
7. Roadmap
Minting NFTs in Futura SuperApp on HAQQ blockchain
Launch of Halal Crypto Encyclopedia
Haqq.community website TBD
Web3 built in browser in Futura SuperApp TBD
Launching limited private sale of HCC tokens within HAQQ community
NFT collections on HAQQ blockchain in FuturaSuperApp TBD end Q1
HALAL legal NFT marketplace on HAQQ blockchain in Futura SuperApp
Custom tokens minting DAPP on HAQQ blockchain
HAQQ Domain Name System
APPLE Futura SuperApp wallet
Semi DEX and CrowdFunding platform of Halal Crypto Community using HCC token as gas
Halal Marketplace
Waste management rewards App on HAQQ